5 steps to a circular economy

Let´s plan for a society and an economy that works by the laws of nature. Were nutrients flow in an never ending loop.

Below suggestions based on the ideas of Gunter Pauli. It´s quick a plan on #what2do. And how to take positive steps towards a #circulareconomy

1. Eliminate from the economy what should never have been in: toxins and non-renewables.

2. Eliminate the concept of waste!

3. Recreate the cycle between the city and the land, securing that nutrients flow both ways.

4. Find a dynamic balance between bio- and mineral based products.

5. Continue from just analysing the problems to identifying solutions!

Read more: The Guardian Sustainable Business

Please spread this list to as many people as possible!

All my love!

Carina Sundqvist

Follow tweets on #circulareconomy and #what2do by IBYR